Sunday, December 03, 2006

Gosh, it's already December

Good morning world. It's Sunday morning and I feel great. All of my clothes are clean and I am freshly showered and ready for the day. All the blinds are open and it's sunny out, which I am very fond of. There's still a little bit of snow on the ground, and it's only twenty degrees, but at least it's sunny, and I'm indoors. It feels rather warm inside. Holy cow, Sundays are different at home than on my mission. Usually we would wake up extra early because we both had to get ready and eat, and we had to fill out a progress record for our early correllation meetings. This morning I slept in until a quarter to nine, then stayed in bed until ten. You'd never see me do that on my mission. And we just got the living room furniture set up for choir practice, and the choir is starting to arrive. We're doing Christmas music from now on, and it's going to be spectacular. I love Christmas music, especially when I don't even have to leave my house to hear a live choir sing in my home. It's pretty convenient. I think it's going to be a pretty good day.

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