Wednesday, January 24, 2007

24 days later...

So, I'm really still alive, I promise. I just wanted to post something that's been going on lately. This all started in Boise since I got home from North Carolina, but it really grew to frightening proportions since I've been in Provo. Almost every night I dream about my teeth falling out. Almost without fail. Last night I dreamed that I was at some kind of party, and there were all sorts of people there that I vaguely recognized but couldn't recall where I knew them from. I don't know how it happened, but by the end of the dream I had lost my two front teeth (not just halves anymore either, this time they got cut off at the gumline) and I lost another half tooth and chipped one more. It's so weird. Why would I dream about this over and over again? My teeth have never really been a sensitive subject to me, I'm not consciously afraid of anything happening to them. My roommate says that dreaming about your teeth falling out or breaking usually has something to do with stress. It seems odd that the same thing keeps happening to me in my dreams, but in different ways every night. And it's seriously almost every single night, I would even say that every night when I actually remember my dreams, losing teeth is always involved somehow, and I keep losing more and more of them. It started with just one, last night the count reached four for the first time. Creepy? Yes, I think so.