Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday night

I haven't updated this thing in a full business week. I guess it's high time I remedied that. We got our Christmas tree put up and decorated between yesterday and today, and we also thoroughly destroyed the friendly inviting appearance of our family room. But at least the bookshelf is clean and all the books are in alphabetical order by author. We threw some things away, we made a pile of things to give away, and we neatly packed away several things that we're keeping. We decided that we really don't need 784 puzzles. Ok, and we didn't actually have that many, but it seemed like it. It actually looks a lot nicer. Then I took a break and played some racquetball and soaked in a hot tub for the first time in years. It was pretty cool. And now I have to go eat dinner.


Andy said...

Have a nice dinner...

Caroline said...

You should post some pictures of your tree!